Optimal cycle-free codes.

We now construct a family of cycle-free codes that attain the bound of Theorem 3.6 with equality, for all values of n and k. The construction is quite simple: as in Section 3.3, we start with the single-parity-check code $ \cal {E}$k+1 of dimension k, and repeat the symbols of $ \cal {E}$k+1 until a code $\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}$ of length n is obtained. It is obvious that the dimension of $\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}$ is k, and by Lemma 3.4 this code is cycle-free. The minimum distance of $\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}$ will depend on the sequence of symbol repetitions. The idea is to repeat each symbol in  $ \cal {E}$k+1 equally often and as much as possible. For example, for n = 13 and k = 3, we obtain the following parity-check matrix in reduced canonical form (0 bits have been intentionally replaced with blank spaces to accentuate the structure of the matrix):

H  =  $\displaystyle \left[\vphantom{ \renewedcommand{arraystretch}{0.65}\renewedcomma...
... \\  & & &1& & & & & & & & 1& \\  & & &1& & & & & & & & &1 \end{array} }\right.$$\displaystyle \begin{array}{cccc @{\hspace{1.75mm}}\vert@{\hspace{1.75mm}} ccc ...
...& & &1& & \\  & & &1& & & & & & & & 1& \\  & & &1& & & & & & & & &1 \end{array}$$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{ \renewedcommand{arraystretch}{0.65}\renewedcomma...
... \\  & & &1& & & & & & & & 1& \\  & & &1& & & & & & & & &1 \end{array} }\right]$ (9)

which defines a (13, 3, 6) cycle-free code. In general, the number of symbols to be repeated is k + 1, while the number of positions available is n - (k + 1). Write:

n - (k + 1)  =  a(k + 1) + b

where a, b are integers, and 0$ \le$b$ \le$k. This decomposition of the number of available positions means that in our construction exactly k - b + 1 symbols of $ \cal {E}$k+1 will be repeated

a  =  $\displaystyle \left\lfloor\vphantom{{n - (k+1) \over k+1}}\right.$$\displaystyle {n - (k+1) \over k+1}$$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{{n - (k+1) \over k+1}}\right\rfloor$  =  $\displaystyle \left\lfloor\vphantom{{n \over k+1}}\right.$$\displaystyle {n \over k+1}$$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{{n \over k+1}}\right\rfloor$ - 1

times, while the remaining b symbols of $ \cal {E}$k+1 will be repeated a + 1 times. If b$ \le$k - 1, then at least two symbols of $ \cal {E}$k+1 are repeated exactly a times. Since $ \cal {E}$k+1 contains a codeword of weight 2 in every two positions, the minimum distance of the resulting code  $\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}$ is

d  =  2 + a + a  =  2 $\displaystyle \left\lfloor\vphantom{{n \over k+1}}\right.$$\displaystyle {n \over k+1}$$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{{n \over k+1}}\right\rfloor$ (9)

If b = k, then only one symbol in $ \cal {E}$k+1 is repeated a times, while all the other symbols are repeated a + 1 times. In this case, the minimum distance of $\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}$ is

d  =  2 + a + (a+1)  =  2 $\displaystyle \left\lfloor\vphantom{{n \over k+1}}\right.$$\displaystyle {n \over k+1}$$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{{n \over k+1}}\right\rfloor$ + 1 (9)

Notice that b = k if and only if n + 1 $ \equiv$ 0 mod (k + 1). Hence it follows from (3.17) and (3.18) that the code $\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}$ constructed in this manner attains the bound of Theorem 3.6 with equality.

Figure 3.6 schematically shows two alternative cycle-free Tanner graphs for codes resulting from this construction (compare the Tanner graph in Figure 3.6a with Figure 3.2b).

Figure 3.6: Two alternative Tanner graphs for optimal cycle-free codes.

We point out that although cycle-free codes obtained by repeating symbols in $ \cal {E}$k+1 have the highest possible minimum distance, they are not the only codes with this property. For example, consider the following parity-check matrix in reduced canonical form:

H  =  $\displaystyle \left[\vphantom{ \renewedcommand{arraystretch}{0.7}\renewedcomman...
... \\  & & & &1& & & & & & & 1& \\  & & & &1& & & & & & & &1 \end{array} }\right.$$\displaystyle \begin{array}{ccccc @{\hspace{1.75mm}}\vert@{\hspace{1.75mm}} cc ...
...& & &1& & \\  & & & &1& & & & & & & 1& \\  & & & &1& & & & & & & &1 \end{array}$$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{ \renewedcommand{arraystretch}{0.7}\renewedcomman...
... \\  & & & &1& & & & & & & 1& \\  & & & &1& & & & & & & &1 \end{array} }\right]$ (9)

It is easy to see that this matrix defines a (13, 3, 6) cycle-free code $\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}'$, whose distance attains the bound of Theorem 3.6 with equality. This code was obtained by repeating symbols in a (5, 3, 2) code. It can be readily verified that $\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}'$ is not equivalent to the (13, 3, 6) cycle-free code $\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}$, defined by the parity-check matrix in (3.16) and obtained by repeating symbols in  $ \cal {E}$4. For instance, $\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}$ contains the all-one codeword, while  $\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}'$ does not.
