...researching fundamentals of networking and communications

50 Recent Changes in Nislab Web retrieved at 09:22 (GMT)

WebHome in Nislab
Welcome to NISLAB The Laboratory of Networking and Information Systems (NISLAB) is involved in providing novel perspectives to modern networking with emphasis on scalability ...
PublishContribHistory in Nislab
Last Published Publisher TWikiAdminGroup Date 2013 02 01 09:02 {PublishContrib}{Dir} /home/www/twiki/pub/publish/ {PublishContrib}{URL} http://ipsit.bu.edu/twiki ...
CompileNTL in Nislab
Compiling NTL for Android Student: Idan Warsawski (compilation of NTL), Karen Cui (compilation of GMP), Hongchang Wu (description of Android NDK) Advisors: Ari ...
LabProjects in Nislab
Projects There are several categories of projects the Laboratory of Networking and Information Systems supports or has supported in the past. Security Compiling ...
ModelingUpTheNetworkSynchronizationProblem in Nislab
Modeling Up the Network Synchronization Problem 10/28/2011 Jiaxi Jin Title: Modeling Up the Network Synchronization Problem Abstract: Assume that there are a ...
LabTalks in Nislab
It has always been the endeavor of the Lab to promote research through the constructive exchange of ideas at our lab meetings. Once a week, a speaker volunteers to ...
Gait-BasedSmartphoneUserAuthentication:ALiteratureSurvey in Nislab
Gait Based Smartphone User Authentication: A literature survey 12/09/2011 Yuting Chen Title: Gait Based Smartphone User Authentication: A literature survey ...
TheCollectionTreeProtocol in Nislab
The Collection Tree Protocol 11/22/2011 Idan Warsawski Title: The Collection Tree Protocol Abstract: In this talk I will discuss the workings of the Collection ...
PriceWarsInSecondarySpectrumMarkets in Nislab
Price Wars in Secondary Spectrum Markets 11/15/2011 Emir Kavurmacioglu Title: Price Wars in Secondary Spectrum Markets ABSTRACT Recent developments allow cell ...
DataCollectionProtocolsInWSNs in Nislab
Data Collection Protocols in WSNs 11/05/2011 Wei Si Title: Data Collection Protocols in WSNs Abstract: In many wireless sensor networks, a base station or ...
Handshakes,Boxes,AndMore! in Nislab
Handshakes, Boxes, and More! 09/23/2011 Ofir Nachum (MIT) Title: Handshakes, Boxes, and More! Abstract: The Karniel lab, located at the Ben Gurion University ...
CPISync in Nislab
Characteristic polynomial interpolation for fast data synchronization What is CPISync? Available in postscript(5.7M) or pdf(372k) Many Current PDA (Personal Digital ...
WebTopMenu in Nislab
Top Menu of nop Nislab Web This topic defines the menu structure of the nop Nislab web, used by the TopMenuSkin. nop 1 Web` Create New Topic ...
OptimalAdmissionControlOfSecondaryUsersInPreemptiveCognitiveRadioNetworks in Nislab
Optimal Admission Control of Secondary Users in Preemptive Cognitive Radio Networks 07/15/2011 Aylin Turhan Title: Optimal Admission Control of Secondary Users ...
WebPreferences in Nislab
nop Nislab Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Nislab web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and ...
LabPeople in Nislab
People Faculty Prof. David Starobinski (staro #64;bu.edu) Prof. Ari Trachtenberg (trachten #64;bu.edu) Graduate Students Kavurmacioglu (emir ...
LabPics in Nislab
Weekly Lab Meeting: Avi Matt in an experiment, seriously: Still Avi Matt Guess whose finger it is: Matt Schoen working ...
LabPubs in Nislab
Publication Page Recent M. Boyle, A. Klausner, D. Starobinski, A. Trachtenberg and H. Wu, `Gait based User Classification Using Phone Sensors` MOBISYS 2011 ...
KeystrokeAcousticEmanations in Nislab
Keystroke Acoustic Emanations 07/08/2011 Xiaohui Ma Title: Keystroke Acoustic Emanations Abstract: Researches shows that PC keyboards, notebook keyboards and ...
TransparencyInBilateralTeleopration in Nislab
Transparency in Bilateral Teleopration 05/11/2011 Amir Karniel Title: Transparency in Bilateral Teleopration Bilateral (force reflecting) teleoperation allows ...
PriorityBasedCommunicationCodes in Nislab
Priority based Communication Codes 05/19/2011 Lokesh Ravindranathan Title: Priority based Communication Codes Today`s world is infested with information. However ...
TaxonomyOfSocialEngineeringMethods in Nislab
Taxonomy of Social Engineering Methods 06/17/2011 Nicholas Cunningham Title: Taxonomy of Social Engineering Methods Abstract: Social engineering is convincing ...
PrioritizationOfRatelessCoding in Nislab
Prioritization of Rateless Coding 06/24/2011 Lokesh Ravindranathan Title: Prioritization of Rateless Coding Rateless codes are gaining importance in terms ...
DictionarySync in Nislab
Performance of CPI Based Algorithms on Set Reconciliation Introduction to Algorithms CPIsync In order to synchronize two sets via a communication channel, Our Basic ...
InteractiveCPI in Nislab
Interactive CPI Algorithm Introduction to Interactive CPI Performance Demo: DictionarySync JiaxiJin 15 Jun 2011
ALookAtTheEconomicsOfDynamicSpectrumAccess:PricingForProfitability in Nislab
A look at the economics of dynamic spectrum access: Pricing for profitability 04/29/2011 Murat Alanyali Title: A look at the economics of dynamic spectrum ...
SecondaryPricingGamesInAMultiplayerMarket in Nislab
Introduction to Junos CLI 04/08/2011 Emir Kavurmacioglu Secondary Pricing Games in a Multiplayer Market Abstract: Today, wireless radio spectrum is a scarce ...
AnalysisOfPreemptionSystemsAndApplicationsInCognitiveRadio in Nislab
Analysis of Preemption Systems and Applications in Cognitive Radio 02/18/2011 Aylin Turhan Title: Analysis of Preemption Systems and Applications in Cognitive ...
AnOverviewOfInterferenceAlignment in Nislab
An Overview of Interference Alignment 02/25/2011 Bobak Nazer Title: An Overview of Interference Alignment Abstract: Consider K transmitters that wish to send ...
IntroductionToJunosCLI in Nislab
Introduction to Junos CLI 03/11/2011 Jing Wang Title: Introduction to Junos CLI Abstract: Junos is a reliable, high performance network operating system for ...
SecretKeyExchangeInWirelessNetworks in Nislab
Secret Key Exchange in Wireless Networks 02/11/2011 Cankut Orakçal Title: Secret Key Exchange in Wireless Networks Abstract: Since the presence of a certificate ...
UsingApproximationAlgorithmOfMinimumSteinerTreeToImplementConnectedIdentifyingCode in Nislab
Using Approximation Algorithm of Minimum Steiner Tree to Implement Connected Identifying Code 02/04/2011 Wei Si In this talk, we will first review over the ...
BlackHat2011Recap in Nislab
Black Hat 2011 Recap 01/28/2011 Ari Trachtenberg NISLAB weekly seminar, in conjunction with the RISCS center This month`s Black Hat conference covered a frightening ...
ServiceProviderNetworkEvolution in Nislab
Service Provider Network Evolution 12/03/2010 Joel Obstfeld Abstract: The Internet as we know it continues to evolve with new `names` and applications appearing ...
IdentifyingCode in Nislab
Identifying code 11/19/2010 Niloofar Fazlollahi Abstract: Identifying codes have been proposed as an abstraction for implementing monitoring tasks such as ...
EfficientDataDisseminationInDenseMulti-channelWirelessMeshNetworks in Nislab
Efficient data dissemination in Dense Multi channel Wireless Mesh Networks 11/05/2010 Kan Lin Abstract: New broadcasting protocols supported by emerging standards ...
OptimalControlAndDynamicGamesInEpidemicDiffusionProcesses in Nislab
Optimal Control and Dynamic Games in Epidemic Diffusion Processes 11/12/2010 Arman Khouzani Abstract: We investigate the optimal control of systems whose state ...
Priority-orientedSetReconciliation in Nislab
Priority oriented Set Reconciliation 10/22/2010 Jiaxi Jin Abstract: As a result of rapidly growing of modern computer networks, in bandwidthlimited/time limited ...
OnUnconditionallySecureComputationWithVanishingCommunicationCost in Nislab
On Unconditionally Secure Computation with Vanishing Communication Cost 10/29/2010 Ye Wang Abstract: We propose a novel distortion theoretic approach to a ...
LocationDetection in Nislab
Robust Location Detection using Identifying Codes Undergraduate Student: Chris Malladi Graduate Student: Rachanee Ungrangsi Advisor: Professor Ari Trachtenberg ...
SOS in Nislab
Securing the Open Softphone Undergraduate Student: Avi Klausner, Matt Schoen Advisors: Ari Trachtenberg, David Starobinski Recognizing Gait Paper Abstract(draft ...
CompileNTLInstructions in Nislab
Steps to Compile NTL Download and extract ntl 5.5.2 android mod 1.tar.gz (attached) Download and extract the crystax ndk mod. Use it as your primary NDK library. http ...
CompilingLibrariesUsingTheAndroidNDK in Nislab
Compiling Libraries Using the Android NDK 07/23/2010 Idan Warsawski Abstract: The nature of the Android platform requires high code portability. The Android platform ...
IdentifyingCodes in Nislab
Identifying codes 07/30/2010 Niloofar Fazlollahi Abstract: First introduced by Mark Karpovsky, identifying codes are a subset of nodes in a given graph (called ...
LabEd in Nislab
Education Hacking: Network, Software and Hardware EK131 Wireless Networking EK 131/132 to Software Engineering EC327 Algorithms and Data Structures for Engineers ...
ExtractingPatternsFromHumanGaitsWithAndroidSmartphones in Nislab
Extracting patterns from human gaits with Android smartphones 07/09/2010 Hongchang Wu Abstract: Biometric data are high in entropy and can be potentially used ...
EfficientDataSynchronization in Nislab
Efficient Data Synchronization 06/25/2010 Jiaxi Jin Abstract: The efficiency of data synchronization has direct impact on the time cost of data exchange protocol ...
EfficientAndScalableParallelReconstructionOfSiblingRelationshipsFromGeneticDataInWildPopulations in Nislab
Efficient and scalable parallel reconstruction of sibling relationships from genetic data in wild populations 07/13/2010 Saad Sheikh Abstract: Wild populations ...
DroidPhoneSensors in Nislab
Droid Phone Sensors 06/18/2010 Avi Klausner Abstract: Cell phone technology has rapidly progressed since 1973 when the first hand held mobile phone was created ...
SecureAuthenticationUsingBiometricData in Nislab
Secure Authentication Using Biometric Data 06/11/2010 Karen Cui Abstract: Biometric data, as a potential source of high entropy, secret information, have been ...
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Laboratory of Networking and Information Systems
Photonics Building, Room 413
8 St Mary's Street,
Boston MA 02215

Initial web site created by Sachin Agarwal (ska@alum.bu.edu), Modified by Weiyao Xiao (weiyao@alum.bu.edu), Moved to TWiki backend by Ari Trachtenberg (trachten@bu.edu). Managed by Jiaxi Jin (jin@bu.edu).
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